Unable to find the inspiration or mood for writing? Try this simple and effective technique

I've recently read about this technique in a book and like to share the same with you. Frankly, I'm not an expert or wizard in writing, English isn't even my first language. I'm just a mediocre blogger who simply writes to try and make a living. The problem at hand was to consistently create content for my blog because that's absolutely essential in order to keep your blog alive. I think if I can write about a topic then just about anyone can do it!

The technique is plain and simple. Its based on the fact that inspiration doesn't like to show up on demand, it doesn't like to "obey" your whims. However, if you keep aside writing inspiration for a moment and focus on the purely operational aspects of writing such as taking a pen and paper (or keyboard), opening your writing platform such as blogger or wordpress, outlining about a story, collecting facts and brainstorming, simply scribble whatever you want, etc., then inspiration will want to come on its own!

So, why not try this:

Keep aside 30 minutes every day for this purpose. Try and decide a time that suits your lifestyle, personally 10:00 to 10:30 in the morning is what I prefer. Its not necessary that you have to write during this time, all you must do is not do anything else.

This is a simple but effective exercise which helped me overcome my writer's block in a matter of days. If you are honest with yourself and really stick to this schedule then sooner or later, the laws of physics and life will ensure that you'll write something good, inspiration simply has to come! Its impossible to remain in that flux state of not doing anything for long, writing has to happen whatever be your subject and whatever be the kind of writing (fiction, non-fiction, prose, poetry, etc.).

Once the ball gets rolling, it becomes a lot easier from then on. Once you write those first few pages/articles/posts, you'll then just keep on writing (like I'm doing now!). Another major aspect of inspiration or positive input for writing is reading. The more you read, the more you'll be able to write and about more topics. I've found that this exact same technique can be applied to reading too. In the scheduled time, its not essential that you read, all you have to do is not do anything else!

As one famous writer said many years ago, in 90% of cases, success is simply a matter of showing up. I believe the same is the case with writing. 90% of fiction or non-fiction that sells in the literature market isn't authored by a Shakespeare or Wordsworth or JK Rowling, they are simple folks like you and me trying to make ends meet. This technique is quite easy to implement because its effortless to begin with and doesn't ask anything from you apart from simply showing up.
